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501©3 Colorado Charity
This Charity Serves Approximately 40 agencies ALL in Colorado
Our Mission Statement:
Warm Hearts ~ Warm Babies provides clothing, blankets, and essential items to premature infants, newborn infants and young children, in crisis, free of charge.
Each year thousands of babies are born and have to be sent home in a disposable diaper wrapped in a small hospital blanket...many of these babies are going "home" to shelters, cars, and sometimes the streets. We are trying to provide for some of their basic needs (blankets, sleepers, gowns, etc.)
When babies die...
The most heart-breaking need that we provide for is...the tiny burial layettes for babies who die and need one last outfit and blanket to be snuggled in. We understand the trauma families go through in this time of need and strive to be of assistance in helping to make warm memories of their little angels.
Most of the clothing donated to these babies are made by volunteers who sew, serge, knit and crochet. Other volunteers and generous donors donate money or items we are unable to make (Bottles, pacifiers, diapers and toiletries).
Individual Donations:
Warm Hearts ~ Warm Babies gratefully accepts donations. All monetary donations goes to support our programs as there are no paid board or staff members. All monetary donations go directly to the babies…WHWB has NO paid staff or Board Members. Tax receipts will be sent to all donors.
Donations may be sent to:
Warm Hearts ~ Warm Babies, P.O. Box 830, Arvada, CO 80001
For more information please contact Glenda Bredeson at:
Phone: 303-975-6394, Email: colokidz@aol.com
Website: www.warmheartswarmbabies.org
carc is about the people